Max von Buch library (UdeSa)
Last Wednesday, October 6th, we visited the Max von Buch library in Universidad de San Andrés. The students from the Proficiency class were shown the library, first, and then they had to do a group-work, which consisted in looking for relevant information, both in books and in journals / serials, choosing a few paragraphs from some of those reference materials, and finally, trancribing those paragraphs and citing sources.
The person in charge of showing us the library, together with other librarians, were very helpful and ready to assist anyone who could not find what they needed.
Ms María Teresa Barinotto Coordinator of the English Department, Secondary section came with us and took some photos.
Students, in general, found this visit an interesting experience and a few even said they would like to go back and see some more. All in all, I believe these activities are useful tools which can help our students in whatever career or job they choose in the near future.
Alejandra B. González