Oral Presentation CPE
Congrats, my Prof. kids!
Once again, our Proficiency students have shown all their talent and language skills in their Oral Final Exam.
Last Friday, October 27th, the kids of 6th year secondary school had their Oral Presentation, as their last speaking assignment of the year. On this occasion, Miss Agustina Savini was invited to share this moment with us, together with the usual presence of Ms. Mariti and Ms. Teresa, all of whom not only enjoyed the children's performances but also gave their feedback.
The students were divided into three groups and they chose the topic they wanted to deliver, according to their taste and interests. The first group - Matías Vardé, Agustín Krembs, Milagros Strada, Bruno Gobbo and Ignacio García Berrro - talked about Technology and its influence on society, transport, health, war and communications.
The second group - Clara Pérez Grassi, Micaela Olivares, Juana Bacigaluppi and Rafael Buelink - chose Disabled people and their inclusion in society. And the third group - María José Crespo, Clara García, Josefina Jaureguiberry and Agustín Tallone - opted for Emotional Intelligence.
All of them, fascinating topics and all the students' performances, amazing.
Every year we confirm that, as long as they are given the chance and the confidence to show how much they can do, our students will always make us feel proud.
Congrats, my Prof. kids!
Ms. Alejandra González
English language teacher
Proficiency class